Выполненные работы Иностранный языкМетодичка 2014(хим.технология)
Минобрнауки России
Готовы следующие варианты контрольных работ: 1-st term К.р. 1
Text 1
2. Mach the terms with their definitions. 1. fossil fuel a. the act of using something 2. renewable resources b. power obtained from sun’s light and heat 3. fossil fuels с. resources replacing themselves and therefore do not become used up 4. consumption d. fuels like coal, oil and natural gas 3. Fill in the gaps using words from the box.
Sources of ________________ energy are becoming _________ and expensive. They also _________ pollution. Scientists are studying ________ of energy such as _________ .There are two ways to use the sun’s _________ Thermal systems produce ________. Photovoltaic systems make _________. __________ of fuel or energy is the _______ of it that is used. 4. Define the part of speech. Cirrular,circulate,circulation,consider,considerable,consideration,use,usage,usef ul,useless,indidator,indicate,energy,energetic,energize,consume,consumption, availability,available,rapid,rapidity,renewable,renew,enously,enomous, transform, transformation 5. Find out words with the opposite meaning.
6. Answer the following questions. 1.What are the main types of fossil fuels? 2. What processes lead to formation of fossil fuels? 3. How much time do those processes take? 4. What are renewable and non-renewable sources of energy? 5. What are the good indicators of standard of living? 7. Translate into English. 1.Потребовались миллионы лет для того, чтобы создать ископаемые виды топлива. 2.Ископаемые виды топлива являются не возобновляемыми источниками энергии. 3.Уровень жизни зависит от доступности энергоносителей. 4.В бедных странах потребление нефти в несколько раз меньше, чем в США. Дата выполнения: 21/12/2015 1-st term К.р. 2
Text 2
2. Match the words with similar meaning from column A and B.
3. Fill in the gaps using words from the box and then translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Natural gas is composed of mixture of the four short ___________ molecules. 2. ______________ include coal, natural gas, and oil. 3. Burning( or a __________ reaction) consists of combining with oxygen at high temperatures. 4. The amount of energy released when a ________ is formed between atoms is called bond energy. 5. It has taken about 600 mln years for the world’s oil __________ to be formed. 6. It is probable that ________ production is currently at or very near its peak. 7. Crude oil can be used as an energy _________ or as chemical feed stock. 4.Translate the following sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the word one. 1.There is only one C-C bond for every carbon atom in coal. 2.One assumes the breaking C-C bond in the case of coal. 3.One of the fundamental problems of fossil fuels is air pollution. 4.One must know that combustion involves combination of fuel with oxygen. 5.One can consider aliphatic hydrocarbon as the basis of oil and natural gas. 6. One should distinguish different types of coal. 7. This reaction is also exothermic as that one 8. One fifth of air by volume is oxygen. 5.Define the part of speech. Nature, natural, pressurize, pressure, difference, differ, different, add, additional, addition, amount, calculate,(the) calculating, break,(the) breaking, actual,actuality,gaseous,saturate,saturation,oxidation,oxidize,oxide,reaction, reactive,react. 6. Complete the expressions with correct form of the word in bold. 1. various types _________ of methods 2.sources of energy an __________ person 3. under pressure __________ water 4. the basis of the theory the __________ argument 5.natural gas the laws of __________ 6.saturated hydrocarbons _________ of market 7.react with oxygen _________ of combustion 8.different kind ________ in properties 9.burning of fuels _________ black 10.breaking of chemical bonds coffee _________ 11.calculating the energy a result _______ 12.to form carbon dioxide the ________ of a new compound 7. Answer the following questions. 1. Due to what reaction all saturated hydrocarbon are used for supplying energy? 2. What are our largest energy source? 3. What can you say about the process of creation energy sources? 4. What is the chemical composition of coal? 5. What compounds are the basis of oil and natural gas? 8. Translate into English. 1.Ископаемые виды топлива включают уголь, нефть и природный газ. 2.Помимо водорода и азота уголь также содержит небольшое количество азота, серы и других минеральных веществ. 3.Разрыв связи С-С сопровождается выделением энергии. 4.Вклад СО2 в глобальное изменение климата является одной из основных проблем ископаемого топлива. 5.Бензин ( Gasoline) обычно содержит углеводороды от С6 до С18 и представляет собой смесь, содержащую больше, чем 100 соединений. Дата выполнения: 21/12/2015 2-nd term К.р.1
Text 1
2. Complete the list of nouns and their relative adjective forms.
3. Complete the sentences using a word combination from the list. Use a plural form of nouns where it is necessary. 1. ___________ may be referred to as sweet( десульфированная) if it contains relatively little sulfur. 2. Gasses rise in_______ and remaining liquid moves down. 3. Gasoline is composed of short molecules with 5 to _________ . 4. The hydrocarbons that have only single bonds between__________are called saturated. 5. Safety measures are very at _____________. 6.__________ come out at low temperatures. 7._____________ is produced after heating crude oil in a furnace. 8. Gasoline has lower _________ than diesel and fuel oil(горючее). 9._____________ is used for separating oil components in accordance with their boiling temperatures. 10. In the refining column _________are filled with liquids. 4. The odd word out.
5.Complete the expressions with correct form of the word in bold. 1. a distilling column ______________water. 2.hot vapour _to_____________ oil. 3.to be composed of hydrocarbons the __________of oil 4.boiling point to make smb’s blood ________ 5.refining process to ________ plans 6.the rising vapours to________ in the world 7.to separate by boiling ___________ of reaction products 8.to condense into liquid steam _________ 9. high temperature to reach a ________ 6.Answer the following questions. 1. What is refining? 2. What principle does distilling column work on? 3.What does the boiling temperature depend on? 4.Why a furnace is a indispensable part of any refining process? 5. What are bubble trays filled with? 6.What are the main refining products? 7.What are the main heavy cuts? 8. Which refining product is in most demand? 7.Translate into English. 1. В ректификационной колонне сырая нефть разделяется на различные компоненты в соответствии с их температурой кипения. 2. На нефтеперерабатывающем заводе первой стадией является нагревание нефти в электрической печи, при этом большая ее часть переводится в парообразное состояние. 3. Затем горячий пар распыляется в ректификационную колонну. 4. Ректификационная колонна содержит несколько тарелок. 5. Пары поднимаются в верхнюю часть колонны и охлаждаются. 6. Охлаждающиеся пары конденсируются в жидкость на тарелках и выводятся из колонны. 7. Легкие фракции собираются вверху колонны и выводятся при более низких температурах. 8. Керосин конденсируется при температуре 200°С,а бензин при температуре 150°С. 9. Бензин является продуктом перегонки нефти, который пользуется наибольшим спросом. Дата выполнения: 16/05/2016 2-nd term К.р.2
Text 2
3. The odd word out
4. Fill in the gaps using words from the box and then translate the sentences into Russian.
1.Gasoline can be produce from heavier cuts due to process called _______. 2.Using _________enables the cracking to occur at relatively lower temperature. 3. Hydrocracking includes mixing the __________ with hydrogen at a pressure of about 80 atm and then cracking it over a suitable catalyst. 4.Hydrocracking gives a high _________ of branched alkanes, cyclic alkens and aromatic compounds for use in unleaded gasoline. 5. Answer the following questions 1. What definition for cracking process can you suggest? 2. What is cracking stock? 3. What types of cracking process do you know? 4. What is distinctive features of steam cracking? 5. Describe catalytic cracking. 6. Describe hydrocracking. 7. What are the principal products of hydrocracking? 6. Translate into Russian. 1. Тяжелые фракции подвергаются крекингу с целью получения более легких, более полезных продуктов. 2. Известны три основные методы проведения процесса крекинга: паровой, каталитический и гидрокрекинг. 3. Указанные методы различаются по условиям необходимым для их осуществления. 4. Проведение гидрокрекинга требует высокое давление около 80 атм и использование катализатора. 5. Наиболее широко используемым является процесс каталитического крекинга. Дата выполнения: 16/05/2016 3-d term К.р.1
Text 1
2.Match the words with similar meaning from column A and B.
3.Fill in the gaps using words from the box and then translate the sentences into Russian.
1.___________ is widely used in industry to produce hydrogen ,it is also the least expensive method. 2.Research and___________ concerning with small-scale steam reforming units to supply fuel cells is under way now. 3. At high temperatures and in presence of a catalyst steam reacts with _______ to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen. 4.This reaction is carried out in a processing device called a__________. 5.Additional ________ can be recovered by lower temperature reaction of carbon monoxide with steam. 4. Answer the following questions 1. What is steam reforming? 2. What is the main product produced by steam reforming? 3. What can you say about required conditions for steam reforming? 4. What chemical reaction is steam reforming based on? 5. What is the other name for steam reforming? 6. What processing device is applied in steam reforming? 7. Why is there some interest in developing much smaller unit based o the same technology? 8. What other hydrocarbons can besides used besides methane to supply fuel cells? 5.Translate into English. 1.Паровой реформинг широко используется в промышленности для получения водорода. 2.При высокой температуре и давлении в присутствии катализатора пар реагирует с метаном с образованием моноокиси углерода и водорода, 3.Установка реформинга работает при высокой температуре(700-1000°С). 4. Небольшие установки, работающие на том же принципе, могут представлять интерес для использования в топливных элементах. Дата выполнения: 15/01/2016 3-d term К.р.2
Text 2
2.Fill in the gaps using words from the box and then translate the sentences into Russian.
2.The most common _________method involves pyrolysis. 3.In this process ___________ decomposes into volatile products. 4.Oil shale processing also produces spent oil shale, which is solid ________. 5.______________ can be used in production of cement and brick manufacture. 3.Odd word out.
4.Answer the following questions 1. What is shale oil processing? 2. What are the main methods of shale oil processing? 3. Which method is the oldest and the most common? 4. What can you say about pyrolysis related to shale oil processing? 5. What is by-product of shale processing? 6. What can you say about composition of spent shale? 7. How can oil share ash be produced? 8. Where can spent shale and shale ash be used? 5.Translate into Russian. 1.Процесс извлечения горючего сланца основан на его разложении и превращении его керогена в продукт похожий на синтетическую сырую нефть. 2.Пиролиз,гидрогенизация и термическое разложение используются в процессе переработки горючего сланца. 3.Самый распространенный метод основан на пиролизе. 4.Этот процесс включает нагревание горючего сланца в отсутствии кислорода. 5.В этих условиях кероген разлагается на конденсирующиеся пары горючего сланца и неконденсирующийся горючий сланцевый газ. 6.Затем они собираются и охлаждаются. 7. Отработанный сланец представляет твердый осадок. Дата выполнения: 15/01/2016 скрыть |