Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (технический университет)
Методичка 2012, английский язык
Минобрнауки России
Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт
(технический университет)
Кафедра иностранных языков
И.В. Лобода, С.Б. Теремязева Английский язык
для студентов заочной формы обучения механического факультета
Методические указания
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Урок 5
Pulling a rubber band increases its length. However, if we cease pulling it and release one of its ends, the rubber band will quickly return to its original shape and size. Solids in greatly differing degrees resist being changed in shape, i.e. resist deformation. Some of them, like a rubber band or a steel spring, are called elastic because they return to their original size and shape after having been
stretched or compressed. Others are known as elastic because they straighten after having been bent. Gases and liquids are perfectly elastic. In spite of their having been compressed they return to their original volume after the removing of the applied force. Air, for instance, is perfectly elastic. If it is compressed and then allowed to return to its original pressure and temperature, it returns exactly to its original volume. We may define an elastic body as one tending to return to its original shape and size when the deforming force is removed. On the contrary, bodies that are not very elastic do not show the tendency of returning to their original form. Thus, elasticity is the tendency to return to the original condition after deformation.
I. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What does pulling a rubber band increase?
2. What will happen if we cease pulling it?
3. Why a rubber band or a steel spring is called elastic?
4. Are gases and liquids elastic?
5. And what about air? Is it elastic?
6. How can we define an elastic body?
7. So, what is elasticity?
II. Переведите на английский язык следующие слова и словосочетания и запомните их:
Однако; между; сравнительно; наконец; затем; несмотря на; потому что; то есть; как и; после того, как; другой; как, например; такой, как…; больше не; до тех пор, пока.
III. Образуйте пары синонимов следующих слов:
To apply, action, shape, to use, to come back, effect, form, various, to return, state, varying, condition, to cease, quickly, very, to stop, to call, fast, at last, because, greatly, instead, since, to define, condition, to determine, body, finally, object.
IV. Переведите на английский язык следующие слова:
Длинный, длина; сопротивляться, сопротивление; устойчивый; изменяться, изменение, изменчивый; постоянный; иметь склонность, стремление; деформировать, деформация, деформированный; применять, применение, применяемый; эксперимент, экспериментировать.
V. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на герундиальную конструкцию.
1. The students didn’t know of their specimen having been measured before. 2. We were informed of their experiment having been successfully performed. 3. In spite of its having been compressed the gas returns to its original volume as soon as the applied force is removed. 4. Their doing this experiment at once is very important. 5. Speaking of thermometers, one must make reference to the pyrometer. We know of the latter being used for measuring temperatures that are too high for mercury thermometers. We also know of its finding a wide application in industry. 6. In certain cases friction becomes a helpful necessity instead of being a difficulty causing only wear and losses. 7. The machine broke on account of its having been made of brittle material. 8. We know of copper being used as a conductor owing to its suitable characteristics.
Итоговое задание. Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Some solids instead of being plastic are brittle. 2. Any body which is capable of doing work possesses energy. 3. Increasing the velocity of molecules can be accomplished by raising the temperature. 4. Due to its being simple and convenient, the metric system is adopted in most countries of the world. 5. Being very sensitive to temperature changes, Galileo’s air thermometer was not sensitive at all to changes of atmospheric pressure. 6. We spend energy in lifting the object. 7. By adding heat we cause a greater motion of the molecules. 8. One cannot transform water into steam without heating it. 9. The barometer is an instrument for determining atmospheric pressure. 10. On studying the nature of that new phenomenon, they were not satisfied with the results obtained and started testing various engines. 11. His having obtained good results was a great success.