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Иностранный язык

Методичка 35(2010)
Методичка 35(2010). Титульный лист

Федеральное агентство по образованию
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
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Английский язык
Методические указания и контрольные работы для студентов I и II курсов товароведно-технологического факультета заочной формы обучения

Готовы следующие варианты заданий:

К.р.02, Вариант 02 (ЭПТ)

I. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The goods produced by the company are in great demand.
2. It is difficult for people to decide whether the decrease in their real wages was caused by the risen prices or by inflation.
3. When asked, a wine steward began to describe and recommend wines.
II. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Prices on the Stock Exchange are reported to be fluctuating.
2. To earn more profit the firm has to vary its technology.
3. It is possible to increase demand for a good by advertising.
4. The Gross National Product per head is an important characteristic to be considered in determining living standards.
III. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий и причастие I и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The government can regulate monopolies controlling the prices or supplying the products itself.
2. Choosing proper decisions is of great importance in management.
3. Serving as a means of exchange, money is essential in economy.
IV. Подберите определение к следующим словам и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Retail: a name or symbol that is used on the products of a particular company; trademark: sweet foods such as candies, pies, cakes;
confectionary: sale of goods directly to the directly to the individual consumer.
V. Перепишите текст и переведите письменно.
Leather making is the science of using acids, bases, salts, enzymes and tannins to dissolve fats and nonfibrous proteins and strengthen the bonds between the collagen fibres. The modern commercial leather making process involves three basic phases: preparation for tanning, tanning and processing tanned leather. As a preliminary step, a hide must be carefully skinned and protected both in storage and transportation before reaching the tannery. At the tannery the hide is soaked to remove all water-soluble substances and restore it to its original shape and softness. After the basic tanning process is completed, the pelts are ready for processing, the final phase in leather production. The tanned pelt is first thoroughly dried and then dyed to it the appropriate color : common methods include drum dyeing, spraying, brush dyeing and staining. The leather is then dried, stretched and softened, and the grain surface is coated to give it additional resistance to abrasion, cracking, peeling, water, heat and cold.

Дата выполнения: 04/09/2014

К.р.01, Вариант 01 (ФИТ), К.р.01, Вариант 01 (ЭПТ), К.р.01, Вариант 02 (ФИТ), К.р.02, Вариант 01 (ФИТ), К.р.02, Вариант 01 (ЭПТ), К.р.02, Вариант 02 (ФИТ), К.р.02, Вариант 02 (ЭПТ)

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