Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет Аэрокосмического Приборостроения
Методичка 2009(английский язык)
Федеральное агентство по образованию
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет аэрокосмического приборостроения Английский язык
Методические указания и контрольные задания
Санкт-Петербург 2009 год
Стоимость готового варианта контрольной работы указана ниже, вы можете приобрести готовый вариант он-лайн.
Выполнены все варианты контрольных работ по английскому языку для ГУАП (технические специальности):
К.р.4, Вариант 2
Контрольная работа по английскому языку содержит 14-ть страниц А4, оформление word (присылаем на email файл word + pdf)
1. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные ниже
предложения, учитывая особенности употребления сослагательного наклонения в английском языке:
1. I should gladly do this work instead of you. 2. Our students would take
part in the forthcoming conference. 3. I think he would visit this exhibition. 4. He would inform you of it, but he’ll be busy the whole week. 5. We know this film would be a success abroad. 6. I should have come to see him. 7. The doctor demanded that the patient should stay in bed for some more days. 8. It was necessary that we should do it at once. 9. She suggests that we should come to see him tonight. 10. Put down my address lest you should forget it. 11. They insisted that he should make a report about the results of his investigation. 12. He speaks English as if he had lived in England all his life. 13. She wishes she were understood by everybody. 14. She feels as though she were guilty in everything happened.
2. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные предложения, содержащие придаточные условные. Определите тип условного предложения (реальное или нереальное условие):
1. Pilots and technicians can perform their duties better if they know the characteristics and limitations of an airplane. 2. If such a computer system were introduced, most requirements would be satisfied. 3. If the computer systems endowed with artificial intelligence were developed, they would be able to think like humans and improve their performance on the basis of experience. 4. Had the wall thickness been 0.025 instead of 0.25 in., the first natural frequency would have been 14 Hz instead of 140 Hz. 5. If the metal surface of the cathode is chemically and physically clean, the discharged atoms of copper will be deposited within normal interatomic spacing of the atom of the basic metal. 6. Had they introduced new devices, they wouldn’t have had any trouble with the equipment. 7. Aeronautical engineering would have taken a very different course, had aluminum alloys with suitable properties not been developed. 8. The pilot could perform his duties better if he knew all the characteristics and limitations of an airplane. 9. All computers must have access to the outside world if they are to do useful work. 10. If an applied voltage of one volt produced a current of one ampere, the resistance would be one ohm.
3. Употребите нужную форму сослагательного наклонения в придаточном предложении:
1. He would have participated in the conference if he ……………ill.
a) didn't fall b) wouldn’t fall c) hadn’t fallen
2. If I ……….. school this year, I should enter the physics department of the University.
a) shall finish b) finished c) have finished
3. He would translate this paper without any difficulty if you ……..him a dictionary.
a) will give b) have given c) gave
4. If I …………busy, I should have visited the exhibition.
a) were not b) haven't been c) hadn't been
4. Употребите нужную форму сослагательного наклонения в
главном предложении:
1. She …………glad if you called her tomorrow.
a) will be b) would be c) should be
2. I…………..you as I promised to do, if I had not lost your inviting card with your telephone number.
a) called b) would call c) should have called
3. If he had a lot of money, he ………………..a Mercedes.
a) will buy b) would buy c) had bought
4. If you hadn't been late for the lecture, you ……………this information.
a) would hear b) would have heard c) should have heard
5. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму
сослагательного наклонения:
1. If I (to be) you, I (to listen) to some good advice. 2. I (to read) the book long ago if I (to borrow) it from the library, but the book was not available. 3. If the weather (to be) fine, she (to join) us and (to go) to the country next Sunday. 4. The experiment (to give) good results if we (not to use) the old method of testing. Next time, let us make it again under different conditions. 5. I (to come) to the party if I (to be informed) of it in advance. 6. David is overweight. If he (not to eat) too much for his supper, he (not to gain) his weight. 7. I cannot call him so often. If I (to be acquainted) with him, I (not to feel) awkward about doing it. 8. If I (to have) a car, I (to drive) it carefully. 9. Why didn’t you come to the railway station to see him off? – I did not know of his leaving for Moscow. If I (to know), I (to come). 10. He (to have a rest) in Florida if he (to buy) a cottage on Miami Beach. We’ll live and see, maybe he will buy a house there.
6. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, принимая во внимание многозначность английских глаголов should и would:
1. He should understand the operation of a transistor. 2. It is necessary
that the instrument should be sensitive. 3. If the Earth were perfectly spherical, it would be much easier to compute satellite orbits. 4. The experiment requires that all measurements should be accurate. 5. Without electronic computers it would be very difficult to observe man-made satellites. 6. We assumed that certain processes would take place instantaneously in the vicinity of a junction. 7. If we became familiar with the mechanism of charges transitions, we should understand the operation of a junction diode. 8. Some years ago pilots would fly only in good weather. 9. It should be mentioned that many physical and chemical processes result in the emission of light. 10. I should prepare everything necessary for the experiment.
7. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные ниже предложения, учитывая особенности перевода зависимого и независимого причастного оборота:
1. The temperature being increased, the resistivity of the semiconductor decreases. 2. The students were heard speaking about the results of their last test. 3. All the necessary preparations having been done, the lab technician began testing the operating parameters of a radio receiver. 4. Having been asked for such a book, the librarian promised to look for it. 5. When working in the laboratory, the engineer obtained very important data for his investigation. 6. When being in motion, the motor rotates the disk. 7. With pure aluminum having a comparatively low strength, duralumin is generally used in the aircraft industry. 8. The acid tank was made of steel, lead having been used as a lining. 9. The demands for instant data growing, the use of electronic computer systems increases. 10. A great number of operations are available with Pascal, bit manipulation being one of them. 11. Computers handling large amounts of information rapidly and accurately, the future of the world may be described in a very short phrase “computer and change”. 12. We can widely use computers to give the automatic solution, quite a little probability of error being possible.
8. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие
предложения, принимая во внимание, что инфинитив в конструкциях Complex Object и Complex Subject часто соответствует придаточным предложениям в русском языке:
A. 1. One cannot expect the computer to think like a human being. 2. We need a signal to detect the direction of data flow because we want the computer to receive as well as transmit data. 3. We know the market for instrumentation, both analog and digital, to grow at a rapid rate. 4. One can watch more and more people move into biology from other areas of research. 5. We know electron to travel from the cathode to the anode. 6. New techniques allowed the properties of this substance to be changed. 7. Newton considered momentum to be the measure of quantity of motion. 8. Science has shown the electron to be a peculiar combination of mass and electrical charge.
B. 1. All the students are supposed to know Newton's law of mechanics. 2. The results of the tests have been found to be interesting. 3. Solar cells are known to find application in space flights. 4. This substance may be assumed to be compound. 5. He seems to know a great deal about the history of radio engineering. 6. These two scientists happened to work at
the same problem. 7. The computing center is reported to maintain extensive scientific contacts with other institutes and organizations. 8. Semiconductors are known to have a crystalline structure.
9. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие конструкции с герундием:
1. Her father will never give her consent to her marrying such a young man. 2. Everything depends on his being admitted to the conference. 3. Mme Curie’s having discovered radium enabled her to isolate radioactive elements. 4. Hardly a day passed without their thinking of a visit to the Russian Museum. 5. Don’t mind my saying it. It’s not a criticism. 6. It was one of the reasons for her cooking in the evenings like this, alone in the neat, silent apartment. 7. This will lead to avoiding us. 8. I disliked the idea of Uncle Percy’s going to London without me.
10. Перепишите следующие сложноподчиненные предложения, подчеркните в них придаточные и укажите, являются ли они дополнительными (Д) или определительными (О):
1. The emission from an X-ray tube of the kind we have described consists largely of continuous radiation. 2. We know this type of cathode has greater emission efficiency. 3. These three factors we have spoken about are the tube characteristics. 4. The design we used will cause an increase in collector current. 5. We know the germanium use in those rectifiers is not completely pure. 6. The paper he has read concerns crystals. 7. Professor asked us what we thought of this new method of calculation.
11. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык приводимый ниже текст
Unlike children computers do exactly what they are told. This may sound like a good thing, especially to those who are about to use computers for the first time. But a bit of experience, with computers or even with children, is enough to demonstrate otherwise.
Having a child do exactly what you say is not the same as having a child do exactly what you mean. Most of us have experience impish children who respond to instructions by choosing the most literal interpretation. You tell them to jump into bed and they do, nearly breaking the springs. The first few times a child does this sort of thing, it’s cute. Thereafter, it’s annoying and frustrating.
It’s ironic but true that the computer’s strict obedience to instructions is a constant source of frustration. The main reason is that your instructions don’t always correspond to your intentions, but the computer goes right ahead and follows your instructions exactly. The result? Perhaps a cryptic error message, perhaps damaged information, perhaps a system crash.