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Готовы следующие варианты заданий:
Часть 2, вариант 2
How Industrial Ecology Got Its Name. Прочтите и переведите текст
The name of phrase “industrial ecology” primarily implies that models of non-human biological systems and their interactions in nature are instructive for industrial systems that we design and operate. What makes the biological model attractive? Foremost is the cleverness with which evolution has developed things to live off the bodies and wastes of one another. Additionally, during the past few decades ecologists appear to have developed some skill at understanding systems by analyzing or depicting their flows and cycles of materials and energy.
A more problematic question is efficiency. Ecosystems are not necessarily examples of efficiency. Even the most efficient ecosystem, say, a corn field, captures only about 5 percent of solar energy as the product of photosynthate. In the summertime, most of the energy overheats the plant or evaporates water that the plant needs to keep turgid. In a mature, stagnating forest (likely to please the
eyes of a naturalist), decay returns the CO2 in the photosynthate to the air, making the efficiency zero.
The proposition that industrial systems may be beneficially viewed as ecosystems merits critical probing. An early step is simply to articulate a vocabulary matching or accommodating different morphologies. Research should also explore the applicability to industry of ecology’s concepts (adaptive pathways, food webs, limiting factors, energy and material budgets) and rules.
Лексические задания 1. Переведите и запомните следующие термины:
1 interaction (n) 6 applicability (n)
2 depict (v) 7 mature (adj)
3 efficiency (n) 8 solar (adj)
4 capture (n) 9 flow (v,n)
5 decay (n) 10 stagnate (v) b.Прочтите и переведите слова без словаря:
1 Phrase 6 analyze
2 Instructive 7 problematic
3 Design 8 photosynthate
4 Evolution 9 adaptive
5 Decade 10 articulate
1. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов:
To interact, to operate, to attract, to develop, to depict, to evaporate, to stagnate, to articulate, to explore, to apply, to propose, to instruct, to add, to probe.
2. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных:
Biology, nature, cleverness, addition, problem, efficiency, product, benefit, critic, morphology, phrase.
3. Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте:
Жить за счет тела и отходов друг друга; нечеловеческие системы; привлекательная модель; развить какие-то навыки; эффективная экосистема; энергия перегревает планету; загнивающий лес; применимость к промышленности; подходящий путь.
Грамматические задания 1. Найдите предложения в Perfect Form, определите время и залог сказуемого.
2. Сгруппируйте все – ing формы в две группы: a) Participle I; b) Gerund.
3. Найдите предложения с модальными глаголами, образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
4. Найдите предложения в инфинитиве, определите функцию, переведите.
5. Образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную формы:
a. A more problematic question is efficiency.
b. Even the most efficient ecosystem captures only about 5 percent of solar energy.
c. During the past few decades ecologists developed some skill at understanding systems.
Коммуникативные задания 1. Ответьте на вопросы используя текст:
1) What does industrial ecology design and operate?
2) What skills have been developed by ecologists during the past few decades?
3) What does efficiency of ecosystems mean?
4) What was an early step in defining the term «industrial ecology»?
5) What other ecology`s concepts should research explore?
6) How do you understand flows and cycles of materials and energy as a future engineer?
2. Переведите цитаты:
a) Research is to see what everybody has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
b) Our lifetime may be the last that will be lived out in a technological society.
Isaac Azimov
c) The human race has improved everything except the human race.
Adlai Stevenson
d) Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Artbur C. Clarke